The secret of the letters
The letters of the text of the Holy Torah contains infinite secrets that will hatch just before the eyes of those who love her deeply.
The kasher text of the Torah (i.e. it is considered suitable for sacred) transcribed by sofer stam (= scribes) is essentially a work of loyal copy of another source text. This copy is performed by an application of rigid rules that stipulate the exact transcription of symbols and signs passed from tradition, these signs are usually a few sporadic letters of different size from those used for text.
Let set an example of the mysteries that lie behind these letters, small and large, taken from Meghillat Esther.
Esther: The concealment of Alef
The book ofEsther is one of the esoteric texts of the Torah that tells one of the many ages of Jewish history in which it seems that G-d hides his face: Esther means "hidden Alef," this text in fact deals with the topic 'Astarat Panim, "the concealment of the face" and meghillat Esther is the only book of all Tanahk (Jewish Bible) in which the name of G-d is absent in this text where it is decreed the extermination of Jews by the perfidious Aman, G-d works great wonders not so directly and flagrantly as in Exodus, but through the natural events of life and its protagonists.
The fact that the name of G-d does not appear even once made discuss the rabbis throughout history about the possibility of considering whether or not the sacred text.
This text is full of mystical secrets that the Kabbalah indicates us only under the form of code to decipher.
We will publish on our website only one of these secrets revealed only recently:
In the text of Meghillat Esther, as well as throughout the text of Tanahk, there are mysterious signs which must be meticulously reproduced in any version and copy that you make of the text.
For example, in verse 7 of chapter 9 of Meghillà, we find the list of the ten sons of Aman that were hanged at the gallows. According to the strict rules dell'Halakhà (= Jewish law), these 10 names must be transcribed in a row vertically, one below the other. In this list there are 3 smaller letters and a letter size bigger: for centuries, all meghillot are transcribed in this way.
The Masters of Kabbalah for centuries indicated us that there were a secret connected to these 4 letters, secret that was possible to decipher only after the secret itself would be fulfilled historically.
The three letters of small size are: tàv, shin, zaìn.
tàv = 400
shin = 300
zain = 7
The sum of the numerical values of these 3 letters results 707.
The letter of large size is the vàv is 6, because it is written in big states indicates that it should not be added to the three small, but it must be considered separately.
If we translate these figures in a date, they give us the Jewish 707 years of the 6th millennium, namely the year 5707.
The year 5707 is the year 1946 of the Christian calendar.
In 1946 took place the Nuremberg process, during which ten Nazi criminals were sentenced to hang (actually 12 were convicted, but the actual hanged were 10).
The hanging took place on 16 October 1946, exactly on the seventh day of Sukkot (Hoshana Rabba, the day in which, according to the Zohar, the judgement of G-d on nations is implemented).
One of the ten Nazi criminals sentenced to death, Julius Streicher, while hanging shouted "Purim 1946."
What did the nazi criminal know about the secrets of Meghillat Esther?!
These strange words from his mouth, leads to completion of another verse of Meghillà, verse 9.12 until now remained mysterious and incomprehensible:
After having presented the list of the ten sons of Aman that were hanged, the text says:
The king said to Esther: "In Susa, the capital, the Jews have killed and destroyed five hundred men and the ten sons of Aman. What is your request? It will be given you. What is your desire? It will also be granted."
Esther replied, "If this is good (the eyes) of the King, which has allowed the Jews who are in Susa to act again tomorrow according to the order today and be hanged the ten sons of Aman."
Esther replied, "If it pleases the King, give the Jews in Susa permission to carry out this day’s edict tomorrow also, and let Aman’s ten sons be hanged on gallows.”
Why the Queen Esther expresses the wish that the ten sons of Aman should be hanged the following day, the very same time in which she was notified that the hanging has already been done?
The Masters of the Talmud tell us that when the text refers to the earthly king uses the term "King Assuer". When the text shows the word "King" refers to the King, the Holy One Blessed be He.
In this sense, the second request that Esther this time addressed to G-d, that tomorrow will be hanged the ten sons of Aman, was granted only to the process of Nuremberg, October 26 1946
To investigate the secrets of Meghillat Esther, I am preparing a fascicle that you will find under "Publications" of our website.
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