Some people are shocked to see that a site of Kabbalah provides space for the father of atheism Karl Marx.

The presence of this character is due in part to its Jewish origins, and partly to the fact that in the Jewish Kabbalah, there is also space for atheism, is understood not as a denial of the existence of G-D', but as the absence of the divine presence from this world.

Although it is true that everything that exists is the trace of its Divine Author, yet it is also true that the creation itself is behind the suit it dresses and hides. The burian Kabbalah speaks of a place empty of the divine presence, « hallal panui », an "atheist" place in which there are no more answers.

Rabbi Nachman of Breslev says:

"There's an empty space where there is no divine presence(if we may say so). In this way, it is impossible to find the answers to these questions that come from empty space, answers that here mean 'G-D'. " because if G-D was there too, the space would not be empty and everything would be infinite and the creation would be impossible "

Indeed thanks to this vacuum which is produced by the withdrawal-contraction of G-D, called Tsim-Tsum, that the creation can be independent and can take place. As in the case of a pregnant woman, G-D is the empty space itself so that the creation may be separate and distinct from him and can grow and evolve freely.

We must also know that the kabbalah is the science of correspondences and reconciliations of opposites. It is also the harmonious coexistence of contradictions: if from the Jewish people came out the Torah, the living evidence of the presence of a Unique G-D, from the Jewish people also resulted in its negation.






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shazarahel - Arte e Kabbalah - Sapienza della Verità - Tobia Ravà - David Friedman- Berger - kabbal-art