Habbad is an acronym formed by the initial letters of the three higher sefirot(Hokma, Binah, Daat).

The Hassidic movement Habbad was founded by the Admor Hazaken. The book Tanya, written by him, is the fundamental text of their study of Torah.

They differ from other hassidim for greater openness to the world and to non-Jews. Today most of them are followers of the Rebbi Lubavich (Rabbi Menahem Mendel Schneerson, 1902-1994) which they consider the King Messiah who will soon make themselves known to the world.







Torah - arte e Kabbalah - Scienza e Kabbalah - Israele - judaica - musica - fotografia - cinema ebraico - contatti - attività indice

shazarahel - Arte e Kabbalah - Sapienza della Verità - Tobia Ravà - David Friedman- Berger - kabbal-art