18. The three monotheistic religions - oil on canvas, 100x140 cm

The three monotheistic religions

This picture is a summary of the theory of Rav Eliahu Munk and the writings of Rav Eliahu Benamozeg, according to which the three monotheistic religions are the three sefirotic pillars: Judaism, mother -religion, is Keter, it comes out from the Holy, Blessed be He, also the median point of equilibrium between the two forces. Christianity is the right pillar, Hessed, the attribute of love (WHITE). Islam is the left pillar, Din, attribute of Justice and the penalty (RED).

The three sefirot are also associated to the three neighborhoods of Jerusalem.

However, the Sufi immam wears in white (even in Islam is mercy) and the bishop wears in black and red (Christianity, in turn, also presents characters of rigor and intransigence).

To investigate these issues:

The three monotheistic religions according to the Kabbalah








Torah - arte e Kabbalah - Scienza e Kabbalah - Israele - judaica - musica - fotografia - cinema ebraico - contatti - attività

shazarahel - Arte e Kabbalah - Sapienza della Verità - Tobia Ravà - David Friedman -- Berger - kabbal-art