The Ketubah is the Jewish marriage contract by which the husband is committed to support the material needs of the bride (food, clothing, conjugal duty) and to pay the wife a sum of well-defined money in case of divorce.
Contrary to what some believe, the Ketubah is not an act of purchase of the woman, but an old way, we can say a true breakthrough innovation from the time when it was signed-that sought to force the man to be guarantor of the preservation of the rights of women.
With the word "money-silver", kessèf the Ketubah to express the "burning desire", kessìf, that man feels for his woman.
The Ketubah is also the legal act by which you can prove you are Jewish: The Ketubah of our parents and grandparents is the testifying document of our membership to the people of Israel.
When we choose to implement our Ketubah, we must take note of the importance that this document will have in the course of our life as a couple, our children and grandchildren.
The history of Italian Judaism in particular has a very ancient production of artistically worked Ketubot, many of which now exhibited in the biggest museums in the world.
This tradition of decorating the Ketubah, although it is a developed phenomenon in the judaism influenced by European culture, has now taken universal scale: more and more Jews all over the world who seek an original and personalized Ketubah in which they can seal the uniqueness of their love story.
According to Rashì, the Torah itself is the Ketubah between the Holy One, Blessed be He and Am Israel, the marriage contract that Hashem has stipulated taking the community of Israel as wife.
Commenting on the passage from the Torah that Moshe broke the two tablets of stone (on which were engraved the "Ten Commandments"), Rashì reports a midrash that the people of Israel fell into idolatry, is guilty of adultery against of his divine Spouse. Moshe broke the tablets, tears the Ketubah between Hashem and Israel, so that if the King of the world wanted to divorce from his wife or condemn her to death, you might say: "It is not even your wife!" Moshe thus forces G-d to produce a new contract of marriage, the new tables.
A demonstration of this the Masters tell us that Moshe, made to the Israelites to drink the crushed powder of the idol dissolved in water (Exodus 32,20). He submitted them to the test of the bitter waters that the unfaithful woman had to drink before the High Priest of the Temple.
Torah - arte e Kabbalah - Scienza e Kabbalah - Israele - judaica - musica - fotografia - cinema ebraico - contatti - attività
shazarahel - Arte e Kabbalah - Sapienza della Verità - Tobia Ravà - David Friedman - Esrher Ghenassia - Berger